Fifteenth Barcelona Weekend in Group Theory
June 3rd and 4th, 2022
Facultat de Matemàtiques i Estadística (UPC), Room 102
Friday, June 3rd
15:00 - 16:00 Armin Weiß (Universität Stuttgart)
Equation satisfiability for finite solvable groups
Over twenty years ago, Goldmann and Russell initiated the study of the complexity of the equation satisfiability problem (PolSat) and the NUDFA program satisfiability problem (ProgSat) in finite groups. They showed that these problems are decidable in polynomial time for
nilpotent groups while they are NP-complete for non-solvable groups. However, for a long time the case of solvable but non-nilpotent groups remained wide open -- in a long sequence of papers only the case of p-by-abelian groups could be shown to be in polynomial time.
In 2020 Idziak, Kawałek, Krzaczkowski and myself succeeded to show that in groups of Fitting length at least three, PolSat cannot be solved in polynomial time under the condition that the exponential time hypothesis (ETH) holds. In this talk I will explain this result and also provide some details on very recent work considering PolSat for groups of Fitting length two (ie groups which have a nilpotent normal subgroup with a nilpotent quotient). Moreover, I will explain the related problems ProgSat and ListPolSat for which, under ETH and the so-called constant degree hypothesis, we can get a complete classification in which cases they are in P.
16:15 - 17:15 A. Carvalho (University of Porto)
Eventually fixed points of endomorphisms of virtually free groups
The study of the subgroup fixed by an automorphism of a free group started with the work of Gersten and Cooper in the late 80's, who proved that this subgroup must always be finitely generated, and has since then presented many interesting challenges. The problem of computing such a subgroup was settled by Bogopolski and Maslakova in 2016. These results have been generalized to any endomorphism of the free group: the first by Imrich and Turner in 1989 and the latter by Mutanguha in 2021.
In this talk, we will show Mutanguha's result can be extended to endomorphisms of virtually free groups. We will also consider the subgroup of points eventually fixed by an endomorphism of a virtually free group, which consists of the points whose orbit contains a fixed point. Among other general properties, we will see that it is decidable whether or not this subgroup is finitely generated (and in case it is, compute a basis for it) by computing a bound on the cardinality of finite orbits.
17:30 - 18:30 Mallika Roy (Chennai Mathematical Institute)
Intersection configurations in free times free-abelian groups
In this talk, we will analyze the non-Howsonicity of the family of free times free-abelian groups. On one hand, we will give an algorithm to decide, given finitely generated subgroups of free times free-abelian groups, whether the intersection is again finitely generated and, in the affirmative case, compute a basis for it. On the second hand, we will show that any k-intersection configuration is realizable in free times free-abelian groups, for free rank 2 and abelian rank big enough. We will also characterize precisely which configurations are realizable for free groups.
Saturday, June 4th
10:00 - 11:00 Oleg Bogopolski (Szczecin University)
Structure of solutions of exponential equations in acylindrically hyperbolic groups
An exponential equation over a group G is an equation of the form a_1g_1^{x_1}a_2g_2^{x_2}... a_ng_n^{x_n}=1, where
a_1,g_1,..., a_n,g_n are elements from G (called coefficients) and x_1,\dots,x_n are variables which take values in Z.
In the first part of my talk I'll survey some known results about solutions of exponential equations in different classes of groups and review open problems. In the second part I'll explain results from my recent preprint with A. Bier:
Let G be a group acting acylindrically on a hyperbolic space and let E be an exponential equation over G. We show that E is equivalent to a finite disjunction of finite systems of pairwise independent equations which are either loxodromic over virtually cyclic subgroups or elliptic. We also obtain a description of the solution set of E. We obtain stronger results in the case where G is hyperbolic relative to a collection of peripheral subgroups \{H_i\}_{i\in I}. In particular, we prove in this case that the solution sets of exponential equations over G are Z-semilinear if and only if the solution sets of exponential equations over every H_i are Z-semilinear.
We obtain an analogous result for finite disjunctions of finite systems of exponential equations and inequations over relatively hyperbolic groups in terms of definabe sets in the weak Presburger arithmetic.
11:15 - 12:15 Alan Logan (University of St Andrews)
The conjugacy problem for ascending HNN-extensions of free groups
In this talk, I will explain how to solve the conjugacy problem for ascending HNN-extensions of free groups. In 2006, Bogopolski+Martino+Maslakova+Ventura solved the conjugacy problem for free-by-cyclic groups. Their proof is based on 2 key components, which are both proven using an analysis of free groups automorphisms via train-track maps. We follow this same route, but instead use an analysis of free group endomorphisms via the "automorphic expansions" of Mutanguha to prove the analogous 2 key components.
12:30 - 13:30 Emanuele Rodaro (Politecnico di Milano)
Tree automaton groups, reducible automata, and poly-context-free groups
(Semi)groups defined by the action of Mealy transducers have become very popular after the introduction of the Grigorchuk group as the first example of a group with intermediate growth. This class of groups and semigroups have deep connections with many areas of mathematics, from the theory of profinite groups to complex dynamics and theoretical computer science, and they serve as a source of examples and counterexamples for many important group theoretic problems. In this talk, I will consider a construction, recently introduced in collaboration with M.Cavaleri, A.Donno, and D. D'Angeli, that associates a certain automaton (semi)group to a finite simple graph. I will then focus on automaton groups associated with trees and a possible generalisation, called reducible automaton groups, for which we give a general structure theorem that shows that all reducible automaton groups are direct limit of poly-context-free groups which are virtually subgroups of the direct product of free groups. This result partially supports a conjecture by T. Brough regarding the structure of poly-context-free groups, a natural generalisation of virtually free groups.